Today, instead of studying like I was intending on doing I decided to bake; Something that I haven't really done much of in the last few months. I decided to make a recipe that I found on pintrest- a delicious orange and vanilla cake that was under the heading 'healthy'. With the ingredients including wholemeal flour, oranges and greek yogurt I'd say this is still a treat- but with a little less guilt attached! If you want to find out what the cake ended up looking like; or if you want the recipe it'll be up later in the week :)
It's been a social media frenzy over here at Amy Grace; me being not very tech savvy I signed up to pintrest not realising exactly what it was. I've since become obsessed- an entire website dedicated to stunning photos {The majority of anyway} what more could you want in life! It's become a part of my morning procrastination routine. Does anyone else have to check a bazillion apps before they can ever get out of bed? I certainly do; it's almost like if I don't check my instagram my morning just cannot go on! Please tell me i'm not the only one :(
Just a little encouraging photo for all you lovely ladies that are having a hard time out there; I know at times I can struggle with getting the motivation to get things done. Wether it be at work, school or in your relationships- some things may seem daunting or undoable but once you've finally conquered your fears and pushed through the you are always left feeling so relieved and rewarded ♥

And lastly; Oh my Gosh this was the most amazing drink I have ever tasted! I praise you Lotus Story on the most delectable homemade lemonade I have ever, ever tasted in my life. I felt as though I was drinking liquid lemon curd; brilliant stuff! If your ever in the glebe area of Sydney take a wander over to Broadway and visit the Lotus Story on Smail street; you can't miss it and I guarantee you won't regret it, the food looked amazing and the interior was so relaxing that you'll feel at home straight away!
lots of love,
Looks like you've had a really great weekend! Bet your cake tastes amazing! <3 xx
It did taste pretty good; not tooting my own horn or anything haha!
I'm exactly the same with social media!
ReplyDelete"i'll just check twitter"
"it will only take a sec to catch up on instagram..."
"I have time for a youtube video or two........"
it's a real problem - the morning just disappears before I've even got out of bed. I think my need for toast and tea is all that breaks the cycle! :P
Haha that is my mornings exactly!