{ Instead of having a huge spiel on myself that takes ages to read I thought I'd put it in dot points - because really, who doesn't love dot points! }
1. Im Amy!
2. Im twenty years old
3. I live in Sydney- Australia
4. I really really want to move to London
5. I spend far to much time on youtube
6. I love blogging - I have three blogs!
7. I like going to the movies by myself
7. I like going to the movies by myself
8. I drink alot of coffee
9. When I'm home alone I will always talk to my dog
10. I once went 18 months without a haircut!
11. I always steal my dads woollen socks
12. I have a slight obsession with collecting books
13. If I find a piece of clothing I absolutely love, I will get it in every colour
14. I am a novice cake decorator
15. My favourite season is winter
16. I love the snow & rain
17. When I'm sick I always watch Grease and Annie
18. I like to eat sandwiches for breakfast and cereal for dinner
19. I love sex and the city!
20. I will always have a soft spot for Estee Lauder
21. When I was in primary school I had a bob haircut
22. I have a tattoo of a whisk on my foot
23. I was super shy in school, and still am around new people
24. I dislike with a passion trying on clothes!
25. Im half Australian and half Dutch