Sunday, 4 May 2014

Weekly Catchup // Fourth May

Hey Guys! This week has been crazy, I feel like uni had been the  only thing on my mind and all my thoughts surround chemical equilibrium and thermodynamics. Fun huh! So it was nice to spend an afternoon with a good book; I'm currently reading 'The beastly Beatitudes of Balthazar B.' the book itself is over 60 years old and has the charm-and smell, of my Nanna, but there's something comforting about a worn cover and discoloured pages. And when mother nature pulled out this stunning sunset it reminded me that an afternoon in the sun is not an afternoon wasted! 

My friday night's have become a little pitiful, I sit in the library and try and finish all my assignments so that I can get a saturday morning sleep in and have a day to myself. If anyones ever told you University is easy- they were either a genius or lying. It's flippin hard! The only plus side to spending weekends in the library is that the uni bar is right next to where I study so if I still get to hear the doof-doof of the music, which is good enough for me!

And with my saturdays they usually end up with board games in the evenings. Monopoly is king in our house and we take it very seriously- or as serious as you can get when everyones trying to wheel and deal under the board and then a mysterious amount of notes appear that most definitely were't there before. You can definitely tell who is cheating using strategies when they end up with 5 streets!  

Yesterday morning was spend spring cleaning my bedroom; you couldn't see the carpet so I figured it was about time. Once it was clean I decided to pop out and buy a bunch of flowers {$5 from Aldi!What a bargain- I spend more than that on coffee a day.}  and happened to walk past Dusk on the way out of the shopping centre. For everyone who isn't from Australia, Dusk is a fancy-pants candle shop that is dimly lit and smells amazing. I'm always tempted to spend my hard eared pennies there but it is quite pricey. But as I wandered past with my bunch of roses I noticed that they had several mothers day sales so I popped in and a few minutes later I walked out with a oil burner and an assortment of melts. I'm already obsessed, you put a tea light in the bottom and a melt in the top and your entire house smells warm and inviting! 

So that was my week; I spent far to much time in front of the computer but I guess some weeks it just has to be done. I hope your weeks were a little more exciting than mine! Let me know :)

Lots of Love, 


  1. Oh it would drive me insane to hear the music in the library! I like things dead quiet haha. I also spent today cleaning and I feel ya on the assignments and exams! I'm finishing up this week tho and couldn't be more excited!


    1. Ha, It makes me feel a little more like a normal 20 year old who spends their weekends in clubs- not the library !! Good luck with your exams, i'm counting down the days till mine are done and dusted :)

