Sunday, 8 June 2014

Weekly Catchup // Eighth June

The weather this week has been downright awful; so cold and rainy that my electric blanket has pretty much been permanently switched on. I've definitely forgotten how cold winter can get and as much as I love hearing the pitter patter of rain on the roof as I fall asleep I don't want it to be pouring when I wake up in the morning. Wading through the mud to get to my car isn't my idea of a perfect morning but who am I to complain it's the best excuse to wear my gumboots around and not look like an idiot! But when it really comes down to it all this rain couldn't have come at a better time, I'm deep into studying procrastinating for my exams, which are in less than a week's time! Why is it that whenever studying comes into the picture there is always so many more important things that need to be done. My room is the tidiest its ever been and the kitchen is spotless. What is life!

Soo I've been bribing myself to study with the incentive of shopping in my breaks and oh, asos did you really have to throw out a sale right in the middle of my study week? So far i've made two consecutive orders and spent more money than i'm ashamed to admit. In justification though I only have one pair of surviving flats that i've been wearing almost daily so it was probably time for one five new pairs of shoes. My moneys on this pair of mint beauties, and these heeled sandals but I also chucked a pair of boots in for good measure. I've had my eye on these brow biker boots for months but never seemed to get around to adding them to my cart. I think i'm going to have to end up sending a few bits and pieces back so I can pay my phone bill but fingers crossed the rest end up in my closet! 

{pinched from this website

My Pintrest has also been getting a major work out over the last week. I'm still not a pro-pinner but i'm slowly getting the hang of how it all works ha! I've become increasingly obsessed with having quotes everywhere and I love this one! I think theres a big stigma with exams that you have to spend twelve hours a day at your desk and stress your pretty little head off. There is no way that that's happening in my house; the way I see it is that theres no point in making yourself sick with worry over something that's so small in the big scale of things. By all means spend the time studying so that you do well but you also have to balance the time spent behind the desk. A good balance for me is ever couple of hours I grab a big cup of tea, put some lana del ray on and cosy up on the couch for a few chapters The Great Gatsby {The book is far better than the movie!}. You'll feel so much better afterwards if you do :)

So that was my week, I've spent far to much time sitting in front of the computer but in two weeks I'll be uni free for a few weeks. I'm visiting my grandparents in Melbourne for a week or so and then going back home for a few weeks so i'm counting down the days till then! 


  1. I can totally sympathise with the procrastination thing - I have several thousands words worth of essays to hand in in a couple of days, but i seem to spend most of my time on tumblr! AND i've just discovered an awesome webseries on YouTube that I HAVE TO keep up to date with... :/ x

    1. Haha, i'm so glad that i'm not the only one. Good luck with your essays!!!


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