I'm a sucker for shortbread, who doesn't love the rich buttery crumbs just melting in your mouth! Gosh it's making my hungry just thinking about it. These shortbreads are seriously amazing; you know when you go out for a coffee and often there is a little biscuit or bite on the side of your saucer? Well when I worked in hospitality that was one of my jobs, making hundreds upon thousands at a time of those tiny little beauties. These delectable Macadamia and White Chocolate shortbread cookies are a variation of the ones that I painstakingly spent hours standing over a kitchen bench pressing out! The white chocolate and Macadamia combination gives it the perfect balance between sweetness and the texture that those macadamias give is spot on, its like a match made in heaven. They are also one of the easiest recipes you could ever find and will definitely get you in with the cool kids if you whip up a batch!
These look so yummy, I love baking thanks for the recipe!
Your Welcome! They are seriously delicious :)