Man how fast did those last few weeks go? The older I get the faster the days fly by; can we just freeze time now please! Looking back over the past 365 days plus a few more from this year, I can't help but feel so thankful for all the amazing times i've had this year. I've met some seriously awesome people, had lots of crazy adventures and finally found some sense of what I want from my life! If you were around this time last year I wrote a post on what my 2014 goals were (If you wanna read about that check it out here!), which weren't your average new years resolutions but more along the lines of read, blog and smile more, plus learn french and for the first year in a long time I managed to do most of those goals! I read pretty much every week- except for the three month's it took me to read The Luminaries, that was a flippin huge book! Blogging was a bit hit and miss, I was pretty proud of a few months there were I was in the groove but then exam stress hit and all hope was lost. I'm hoping this year will flow more smoothly fingers crossed!!! I also smiled a lot this year, i can't even begin to start counting how many fits of laughter I found myself in this year. Smiling is good for the soul don't forget! And lastly there was that learning french thing; that didn't even begin to happen- maybe this year i'll get around to it!
And now for this years goals!!
Start a Veggie Patch
Alright this ones pretty lame but when I used to live back at home my mum had a fully stocked herb and veggie garden going on in the back yard. There was nothing better than being able to just pop out the back and pick your produce fresh from the garden. Also herbs cost a bucket load, why on earth do we pay so much for something that is so easy to grow ourselves?! So with that in mind I'm heading off to bunnings to get lost in the shelves of basil, mint and all things herby.
Be more positive
I'm no debbie downer 24/7 but I've found that sometimes the negatives of a situation are first to come to mind but sometimes the good things in life are harder to see. I really want to have more positive and happy vibes flowing round my life! I'm not entirely sure yet how i'm planning on making this one work but i'm going to start with complaining less, maybe that'll work! Are there any other suggestions floating around?
Take More Photos
In a world where social media is king and we can snap amazing photos so easily with our phones, why do I manage to have twenty thousand photos of my brunch and hardly any of the gorgeous people I spent it with? Whenever I head out with my camera theres always a specific shot in mind like I need to get this shot for a blog post or I really need another photo of the sunset for instagram- definite sarcasm there, my insta definitely doesn't need any more photos of the sky!!. Sometimes taking photos can feel like a chore, an almost scripted chain of events that will always end with the same sort of shots that I always take, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but somethings gotta give. 2015 will be the year of snapping shots of the people who bless my life, the adventures that I find myself on and all the goodness that comes in between.
Theres so many more things that i'm hoping to do this year; spend more time in the kitchen, drink more tea, learn french, start a market stall and spend more time at the beach but we'll be here for hours. Here's to an incredible two thousand and fifteen, fingers and toes crossed we all breeze through our resolutions!
Lots of love,